Public Report

Results - Reporting Year 2019

Agency Information:

Agency Name: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Street Address 1: 501 Front Street
Street Address 2:
City: Norfolk
State: VA
County: Norfolk City
Zip Code: 23510
Agency Email:
Agency Phone: (757) 622-7382
Agency FAX: ()
Agency Type: Private Animal Shelter
Date Submitted: 2/3/2020 12:44:14 PM
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Animal Information:

Reason for Custody

On Hand January 1
Bite Case Quarantine
Surrendered by Owner
Received From Another Virginia Releasing Agency*
Received From Out-of-State Releasing Agency

Dogs 1 2 0 0 971 53 35 4 1,066
Cats 1 3 0 0 1,325 0 25 1 1,355
Other Companion Animals 2 0 0 0 17 0 0 0 19
Hybrid Canines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Equine 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
Livestock 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 5
Poultry 0 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 36
Total 4 5 0 0 2,355 53 60 5 2,482

Method of Disposition

Reclaimed by Owner
Transferred to another VA Releasing Agency***
Transferred to Out-of State Releasing Agency
Died While in Custody
On Hand December 31

Dogs 5 19 433 0 0 609 0 0 1,066
Cats 2 10 374 0 0 969 0 0 1,355
Other Companion Animals 0 3 1 0 0 15 0 0 19
Hybrid Canines 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Equine 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Livestock 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 5
Poultry 0 16 0 0 0 20 0 0 36
Total 7 53 808 0 0 1,614 0 0 2,482

Wildlife Received and Disposition Information:

Submitted To Licensed Rehabilitator Liberated Euthanized On Hand December 31 Total
25 0 47 0 72

Explanatory Notes: (if applicable)

* Column F: Names and addresses of Virginia releasing agencies from which animals were received.

Danville Area Humane Society, 996 S. Boston Rd., Danville, VA 24540

** Column H: Include other reasons for custody, i.e. births at the facility, or animals taken into custody for a reason not designated by another category. An explanation is required.

4 dogs and 1 cat held for veterinary assessment

*** Column L: Names and addresses of Virginia releasing agencies to which animals were transferred.

Bay Beagle Rescue, 3590 Kentucky Ave., Norfolk, VA 23502; Chesapeake AC, 2100 S. Military Highway, Chesapeake VA 23320; Chesapeake Humane Society, 312 Battlefield Blvd. N., Chesapeake, VA 23320; Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society, 6620 Jackson Lane, Gloucester, VA 23061; Norfolk Animal Care Center, 5585 Sabre Rd., Norfolk, VA 23502; Norfolk SPCA, 916 Ballentine Blvd., Norfolk, VA 23504; Partners Among Cats and Canines, P.O. Box 1133, Franklin, VA 23851; Peninsula Regional Animal Shelter, 5843 Jefferson Ave., Newport News, VA 23605; Peninsula SPCA, 523 J Clyde Morris Blvd., Newport News, VA 23601; Portsmouth Humane Society, 4022 Seaboard Ct., Portsmouth, VA 23701; VA Beach SPCA 3040 Holland Rd., Virginia Beach, VA 23453

**** Column P: Include other methods of disposition, i.e. escaped, stolen, or otherwise not disposed of in a method in accordance with Virginia code. An explanation is required.


Other miscellaneous explanatory notes:

Wildlife euthanized were critically injured/dying.

In 2019, PETA helped more than 26,000 animals from more than 250 cities, and spent more than $2,500,000 on companion-animal services locally. PETA operates the only private animal shelter in our area (perhaps the entire state) with people on call 24/7/365 for after-hour emergencies and to welcome all animals, regardless of adoptability, without appointments, waiting lists, admission fees, or restricted hours. PETA's shelter is also one of the few that still provide end-of-life services for guardians (more than 500 of them in 2019) desperate to alleviate their animals' suffering. Many were referred to PETA by other animal shelters and veterinary clinics.

PETA's free/low-cost mobile clinics sterilized 12,561 animals, including 1,132 pit bulls and 831 feral cats. We transported 842 dogs and cats to and from the clinics free of charge to provide free services. PETA assisted more than 3,000 families in keeping animals by providing medical services, including repairing prolapsed organs, performing surgeries on dogs suffering from life-threatening uterine infections, removing tumors and ruptured growths, performing drainage surgery for hematomas and infected wounds, treating various infections, and by showing them how to cope with behavioral quirks, grooming challenges, and more. We distributed more than 260 doghouses and over 1,600 bales of straw bedding free to “outdoor” dogs.

For more information, visit

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